Meet with Yourself Daily Practice with Miranda
The Lane
4m 27s
Choose a consistent daily time and schedule 5 minutes in your calendar to ‘meet with yourself.’ Treat this like you would any professional appointment, meeting with your kid’s school or a visit with a friend- as a non-negotiable. Showing up to this appointment builds trust, respect and devotion to the most important relationship in your life, the one you have with yourself.
During this meeting, sit in a comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed and ask yourself two questions: “How do I feel?” And “What do I need today?” Wait for the response. At first it might seem you are not getting an answer - but that’s because your inner voice may not be used to being listened to. But soon the voice will grow louder, and you will hear an answer. If your voice says, “Go Slow,” schedule a time in the day you can go slow by taking a mellow movement class from The Lane or reading a book. If it says “Go Outside!” go outside!
This simple and powerful tool will wake up your connection with your inner self, so that you can hear more, feel more, and truly give yourself what you need. This self-care will grow into deeper self respect, self-love and inevitably overflow into all other aspects of your life. ENJOY.
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