Maintain Dancer's Hip & Booty 10 Minute Tuneup with Brigitte
The Lane
Energize & reinvigorate your body in 10 minutes, whether after sitting all day or to reactivate and fire up the muscles in your hips & booty before a walk or hike. You'll tone and lift your backside while engaging your whole core.
Have a chair, railing or kitchen countertop nearby, a ball, and optional ankle weights for class. Need music? Check out Brigitte's barre playlists on Spotify @bodyalchemist
Up Next in The Lane
Maintain Dancer's Leg 10 Minute Tuneu...
Pack in a powerful full-body sequence to warm and energize, while strengthening & lengthening your legs in just 10 minutes. This Tuneup will keep you moving from standing work, bridging, sideline and quadraped work, and tone every inch of your gams.
Need music? Check out Brigitte's barre pla...
Maintain Dancer's Arms 10 Minute Tune...
This dancer's sequence energetically takes you through upper body and arm work, elongating your limbs and opening through your shoulders and chest. Expect to get warm, feel the tone in your arms, back and chest, and stand taller.
Need music? Check out Brigitte's barre playlists on Spotify @body...
Maintain Stability Pilates Flow with ...
One of the often under-appreciated benefits of a consistent Pilates practice is the amount of stability it provides the body, mind, and spirit. We are dynamic beings with complex, interconnected systems. When we feel physically stable, we can tap in and use that foundation to support a healthier ...