Day 2 Cleanse - Falling in Love.. Virtual Retreat
The Lane
6m 57s
Today’s cleanse session features nutmilks! We will be making walnut milk which is super easy, and delicious & nutritious for your favorite smoothies, cereals, matchas and lattes! Walnuts are considered brain food, and when sprouted, become even more nutritious and digestible. When not blended into nutmilk, reach for walnuts & an apple as a snack.
Brigitte’s homemade nutmilk is inspired by Amanda Chantal Bacon’s beautiful, plant-based, The Moon Juice Cookbook (
Walnut Milk Recipe:
- 1 cup raw organic walnuts; Put in a glass container covered with water and let sprout overnight in refrigerator.
- Drain sprouted walnuts and place in blender with 4 cups alkaline water, 2 pinches of Himalayan salt, 2 teaspoons of honey and 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon.
- Blend 45 seconds...liquid will be milky. Voíla! Gorgeousness!
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