Optimize Barre Strong Dancers Legs with Jen (Day 5 Reclaim Detox)
The Lane
Graceful yet athletic barre class to challenge your full-body strength, balance, and coordination. Build fitness & focus with Jen, dance educator at Alonzo King Lines Ballet and professional dancer & Oakland Raiderette.
Up Next in The Lane
Maintain Ease Candlelit Flow with Linnea
Bring your mind & body back together. A restorative flow concentrating on breath and finding ease within each posture. Release stress, anxiety, and body fatigue. Re-balance your energy and create a deeper connection within.
Grow Your Sacred Space Practice with ...
Energetic cleanliness tools are so easy and profoundly valuable to keep the vibrations of our home space high and full of warmth, love and creativity. Add this 1 minute practice before you fall asleep at night to enrich the Sacred Space of your home, and keep out fear, stress and worry.
Grounding Your Practice Space Meditat...
A meditation to increase the gravitational pull or 'density' of your practice space. Establish grounding to allow mind, body, and routine to anchor into that space, helping you be more consistent with healthy practices.